Christopher Walken biography 2022

Actor Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken biography

Christopher Walken (Ronald Walken) was born on March 31, 1943, an American actor.

Christopher Walken broke through as a mentally broken soldier in Michael Cimino's great Vietnam War film, The Deer Hunter (1978), for which he won an Oscar for best supporting actor and then cultivated the role of a pure psychopath, among other things. Batman Returns (1992) and True Romance (1993).

Throughout a career that includes over 100 films (2011), he has since shown great range within a wide field of roles, e.g., Pennies from Heaven (1981), David Cronenberg's Dead Zone (1983), At Close Range (1986), Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction (1994), Touch (1997), The Stepford Wives (2004) and Hairspray (2007)

last updated September 2022

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