Zooey Deschanel biography 2022

Actress Zooey Deschanel

 Zooey Deschanel biography

Zooey Deschanel was born into a Hollywood family at the dawn of the 1980s. Her mother is Twin Peaks actress Mary Jo Deschanel and her father is Oscar-nominated cinematographer Caleb Deschanel (her older sister Emily stars on TV's Bones).

She went to Santa Monica's Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences with Kate Hudson and Jake Gyllenhaal. On graduating, she attended Northwestern University but dropped out after a year.

After minor debuts on TV and the big screen, Zooey landed a plum role in the Cameron Crowe film Almost Famous. In this classic coming-of-age film about a young kid named William writing for Rolling Stone, Deschanel played Anita, the rebel flight attendant, and William's sister who prophesied to her brother early in the film, "One day, you'll be cool." The role set the tone for Zooey's film career, that of the pale-skinned indie princess who can leave some guys spellbound.

Following Almost Famous, Zooey Deschanel began putting together an impressive Hollywood resume, loaded with critical or commercial hits (i.e., 2002's The Good Girl with Jennifer Aniston, All the Real Girls, Elf with Will Ferrell, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Still, she soon felt she was typecast as the main character's neurotic best friend (like in the dismal Failure to Launch). It was a development she disliked and has actively shunned -- a move that has contributed to her appeal among her uniquely devoted fanbase.

Zooey Deschanel made her Hollywood debut in a 1998 episode of Veronica's Closet, and she has, on occasion, found her way back to TV. In addition to a one-off on Frasier, she's voiced roles on American Dad and The Simpsons and had a recurring role on HBO's hit series Weeds. But most significantly, in 2007, she starred in the multiple-Emmy-nominated Tin Man, a miniseries framed as a continuation of the L. Frank Baum's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz aired on the Sci-Fi Channel.

After being a closet singer-songwriter for much of her life, in 2001, Zooey Deschanel formed a jazz cabaret act with actress Samantha Shelton called If All the Stars Were Pretty Babies. Then, in 2006, she and musician M. Ward began She & Him, a two-person band that has, to date, issued the well-received debut record Volume One on Merge Records in 2008, featuring her singularly beautiful vocals, and the two have tentatively scheduled to release its follow-up, Volume Two, in 2010.  

In addition to singing on soundtracks, Deschanel has also contributed her vocals to a couple of tracks for Coconut Records, actor Jason Schwartzman's band.

In the summer of 2009, Zooey Deschanel appeared in director Marc Webb's (500) Days of Summer with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, an extraordinary film that received sterling reviews. "Romantic comedies are usually about when love works," she told GQ in August 2009 while discussing (500) Days of Summer. "This is about when it doesn't."

Deschanel is also confirmed for the 2010s Your Highness, written by Danny McBride (Pineapple Express, Eastbound & Down), a film costarring Natalie Portman and James Franco.

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