Charlie Sheen biography 2022

Actor Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen biography

Charlie Sheen was born September 3, 1965, in New York, USA. He is the son of Martin Sheen.

Charlie Sheen broke through in Oliver Stone's Platoon (1986) and since then played, among other things, with his father in the same director's Wall Street (1987).

He is also remembered for Young Guns (1988) and the self-parody performance in the farce Hot Shots! (1991, followed by 1993).

Charlie Sheen's later films include Being John Malkovich (1998), Five Aces (1999), Scary Movie 3 (2003), and The Big Bounce (2004).

On TV, he has, among other things, had success as a replacement for Michael J. Fox in the comedy series Spin City (2000-02) as well as in one of the most popular comedy series of the first decade of the 2000s Two and a Half Men (2003-11), as Charlie Sheen. However, the site left amid much media attention.

last updated October 2022

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